Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wednesday, 31st May, 2017

Wednesday, 31st May, 2017
Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, release the breath of the Holy Spirit upon all our fliers and tracts, thereby turning them into anointed sickles of harvest, drafting unprecedented multitudes into this church – Joel 3:13  
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of your reaper-angels into our harvest field, mobilizing record-breaking multitudes into this church for their salvation and deliverance all through Operation Run and beyond Matt. 13:39.
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil against the full delivery of the Operation Run prophetic agenda  – Job. 22:28
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, stir up the zeal of every Winner to engage in prayer and soul winning endeavours, all through Operation Run prophetic agenda, resulting in the supernatural multiplication of this church - Luk. 14:23

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, gather of great multitudes into our Midweek service today and grant every worshipper a life-transforming encounter through your word and the communion – Jn 6:44

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