Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Intercessory Prayers(FM)

JANUARY 9TH - 29TH2017

Week I
Day 1: Monday, January 9th, 2017

Prayer 1: Father, thank you for confirming the “From Glory to Glory” prophetic agenda of 2016 in the Winners’ family worldwide – 1 Kgs 8:15
Prayer 2: Father, by the revelation of your word, hasten the fulfillment of the 2017 prophetic word in the life of every Winner – Jer.1:12
Prayer 3: Father, by the blood of Jesus, give us the heathens for our inheritance and the utter most part of the earth for our possession all through this prophetic season – Ps. 2:8
Prayer 4: Father, we decree that the oil upon your servant remains ever fresh and let him continue to experience ever-increasing anointing – Ezk. 47:1-5
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let a mighty revival burst forth in this nation that will deliver this land from her various challenges – Hab. 2:3-6
Prayer 6: Father, let every of our assembly experience supernatural church growth this year – Ezk. 36:37

Day 2: Tuesday, January 10th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, thank you for divine protection over our lives, families, properties and all our endeavours in 2016, making the plans of the enemies of none effect                             - Ps. 105:13-15
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, open the eyes of every Winner to the reality of the prophetic provisions available to us this year – Eph. 1:18
Prayer 3: Father, we decree that you open the eyes of all our new converts to see the importance of Water baptism, thereby partaking of the same so they can begin to walk in the newness of lifeRom. 6:4
Prayer 4: Father, continue to anoint all our pastors afresh for supernatural impact all through this year Ps. 92:10
Prayer 5: Father, send us the rain of your life-transforming word, thereby establishing all our new converts and new members in the faith and in this church all through this prophetic season – Jn. 6:66:68
Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Cell in this Church for supernatural growth resulting into further replication of cells this year – Jer. 30:19

Day 3: Wednesday, January 11th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, thank you for miracles, signs and wonders that you have reserved for the Winners’ family in the year 2017, even as you establish the realities of our exemption right in Christ - Gen. 47:15-27
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize every Winner with the Spirit of obedience, to keep the prophetic demands of the year, thereby experiencing supernatural exemption – Ezk. 36:27
Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning this church into a city without walls all through this prophetic season – Acts 13:44
Prayer 4: Father, strengthen your servant to relentlessly pursue ‘My Case is Different’ prophetic agenda with outstanding results – Psa. 89:20-21
Prayer 5: Father, let the blood of Jesus cleanse the sins of this nation, thereby changing our story this year – Heb. 9:22
Prayer 6: Father, let there be unusual waves of signs and wonders in all our churches worldwide leading to supernatural gathering of multitudes – Acts 9:33-34

Day 4: Thursday, January 12th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, thank you for diverse change of levels for every Winner all through this past year - Pro. 4:18
Prayer 2: Father, continue to unveil divine secrets to every Winner, thereby causing us to ride prosperously all through this year – Gen. 41:38-41
Prayer 3: Father, let all WOFBI training sessions of the year engender lasting impact on the lives of all participants – Jer. 23:29
Prayer 4 Father, in the name of Jesus, let every cell minister be empowered by the Holy Ghost to effectively drive the cell replication agenda of the year – Acts 10:38
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyday be Christmas for everyone in the Winners’ Family all through this year – Ps 68:19
Prayer 6: Father, by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life this year be released and established in this church – Acts 13:48

Day 8: Monday, January 16th, 2017

Prayer 1: Father, thank you for the massive ingathering of souls into all our services in 2016 and for imparting the lives of all by your word – Ps.115:1
Prayer 2: Father, decorate every Winner with supernatural breakthroughs, making us an attraction, thereby drafting multitudes to Christ and this Church – Zech. 8:23
Prayer 3: Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this church all through this prophetic season and beyond in the name of Jesus – Rev. 12:11
Prayer 4: Father, renew the prophetic grace upon your servant all through this year as you confirm every word of his mouth – Isa. 44:26
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, for the sake of the righteous, spare this nation from devastation – Gen. 18:26/32
Prayer 6: Father, let there be multiplication of heart-pricking signs and wonders that will draw multitudes to Christ and this church – Jn. 4:8

Day 9: Tuesday, January 17th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, thank you for the revelation of your word all through the year 2016, resulting in diverse testimonies amongst us - Mk 16:20
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, anoint every Winner for supernatural dimension of breakthroughs this year, that will turn each one to a living wonder – Isa. 45:1-3
Prayer 3: Father, continue to send your word of healing and deliverance, resulting in the liberty of every Winner under the bondage of sickness, disease or satanic oppressions – Ps. 107:20
Prayer 4: Father, let all WOFBI training sessions of the year engender lasting impact on the lives of all participants – Jer. 23:29
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell member into a sign and a wonder, thereby drafting more souls into the cells and into this church – Zech. 8:23
Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this Church all through this prophetic season – Acts 2:6/41

Day 10: Wednesday, January 18th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, we thank you for turning all our new converts of the past year into instant and active disciples of Christ, thereby leading others to Christ – Jn.4:29/39
Prayer 2: Father, as the world enters the season of gross darkness, turn every Winner to a pathfinder, thereby causing kings to come to our rising – Isa. 60:2-3
Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous increase of the word from our altar in this prophetic season, leading to supernatural growth of this church – Acts 6:7
Prayer 4 Father, in the name of Jesus, empower all our children to love the good and hate the evil, so they can fulfil their destiny in grand style – Is. 7:14-15
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, supernaturally meet the needs of all our cell members this year, thereby attracting them to the cell and establishing them                                          - Zech. 8:20-23
Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, defend all our assemblies worldwide and let there be no evil occurrence anywhere throughout the year - Zech. 2:8

Day 11: Thursday, January 19th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for unusual strength and fresh oil upon your servant, the Apostle over this commission all through the year 2016 - Ps. 89:20-23
Prayer 2: Father, open the eyes of every Winner to the covenant provisions for our exemption in these perilous times – Ps. 119:18
Prayer 3 Father, stir up the zeal of all our new converts so as to engage actively in kingdom stewardship this year, thereby enjoying the rewards of service – Exo. 23:25-26
Prayer 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, empower all members of the statutory bodies with unusual grace for outstanding performance in their various assignments- Pro. 24:3
Prayer 5: Father, make 2017 a year of peace and progress for this nation in all aspects - Ps. 144:13-15
Prayer 6: Father, re-affirm again the seal of apostleship upon your servant by causing diverse signs and wonders to be wrought by his hand  in our services- Acts 5:12

Day 15: Monday, January 23rd, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, thank you for your divine visitation in our midst throughout year 2016 that has imparted on us both as a Commission and as individuals – Gen.21:1-3
Prayer 2: Father, by the revelation of your word, empower every Winner to walk in total health and vitality all through year 2017 and beyond – Job 33:21-25
Prayer 3: Father, cause everyone who desires to be married among us in the Winners’ family to be supernaturally connected to their marital destinies this year - Gen. 24:13-21
Prayer 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, let your reaper-angels appear to all the unsaved across our harvest field in visions and dreams of the night, pointing them to this church for their salvation – Acts 10:3/34-35
Prayer 5: Father in the name of Jesus, grant wisdom to the leaders of this nation, to stir the ship of this nation towards peace and prosperity in these perilous times – 1 Tim.2:1-2
Prayer 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, let all WOFBI training sessions this year be impactful with lasting effect in the lives of all students- Jer. 23:29

Day 16: Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, we thank you because you will make all the places round about us a blessing this year - Ezek. 34:36
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to terminate every terminal disease by the power of your word in all services this year – Matt.10:1
Prayer 3: Father, by the Holy Ghost, break every spell of family unsettlement in the lives of your people, resulting in the restoration and sustenance of harmony in every home – Num.23:23
Prayer 4: Father, release afresh upon the leadership of this Commission the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to match the demands of the year - Eph. 1:17-18
Prayer 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit 'Whistle' across our harvest field, thereby compelling the ingathering of multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season – Isa. 5:26
Prayer 6: Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy every force resisting the restoration of any challenged Winner to this church this year – Rev.12:11

Day 17: Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, we thank you for miracles, signs and wonders that you have reserved for your people this year, even as you establish the realities of ‘My Case is Different’ prophetic agenda in our midst - Is. 28:21-22
Prayer 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, interrupt our services this year with instant healings and deliverances, resulting in the ingathering of multitudes into this Church – Acts 14:8-11
Prayer 3: Father, fill all our new converts and new member with the Holy Ghost this year with the evidence of speaking in new tongues for a triumphant Christian life – Zech. 4:6
Prayer 4: Father, quicken the spirit of your servant, the Apostle over this Commission for enhanced sensitivity to every directive of the Holy Spirit - Is. 50:4
Prayer 5: Father, arise and scatter every confederacy and gang ups against the peace and development of this nation - Is. 42:13
Prayer 6 Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree continuous business and career breakthrough for every Winner all through this year – Is. 60:1-3

Day 18: Thursday, January 26th, 2017
Prayer 1: Father, we thank you for your good word to us, both as a church and as individuals this year, because we know none of them shall fail - Num. 23:19
Prayer 2: Father, let every long-standing sickness and disease, find instant healing in all our services this year, leading to influx of multitudes into this church – Acts 9:33-34
Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, open up the glorious destiny of all our new converts all through this prophetic season, thereby leading others to salvation                              – Rom. 8:29-30
Prayer 4: Father, grant your servant, the Apostle over this Commission utterance all through the year as he unveils the mystery of the Kingdom - Eph. 6:19
Prayer 5: Father, trouble every troubler of our nation and let their wicked deeds return on their heads - 2Thess. 1:6
Prayer 6 Father, unveil the right word to your people in our services resulting in turnaround testimonies for every worshipper Job 6:25

Jesus is Lord!

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