Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Intercessory Prayers for Thursday, 1st June, 2017

Thursday, 1st June, 2017
Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we destroy all satanic strongholds against the salvation of all that are ordained unto eternal life across our harvest field all through Operation Run prophetic agenda Act 13:48
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, turn all our new converts and new members into active disciples of Christ, thereby bringing others to Christ and this church – Jn.4:29/39
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the revelation of your word, empower me to be steadfast and unmovable in my stewardship, so as not to miss my rewards – Matt. 24:45-46
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting unprecedented multitudes into this church all through Operation Run prophetic agenda Acts 2:6/41

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the lamb, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this Church, resulting in the invasion of record-breaking multitudes this coming Sunday– Rev. 12:11

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wednesday, 31st May, 2017

Wednesday, 31st May, 2017
Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, release the breath of the Holy Spirit upon all our fliers and tracts, thereby turning them into anointed sickles of harvest, drafting unprecedented multitudes into this church – Joel 3:13  
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of your reaper-angels into our harvest field, mobilizing record-breaking multitudes into this church for their salvation and deliverance all through Operation Run and beyond Matt. 13:39.
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil against the full delivery of the Operation Run prophetic agenda  – Job. 22:28
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, stir up the zeal of every Winner to engage in prayer and soul winning endeavours, all through Operation Run prophetic agenda, resulting in the supernatural multiplication of this church - Luk. 14:23

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, gather of great multitudes into our Midweek service today and grant every worshipper a life-transforming encounter through your word and the communion – Jn 6:44


Tuesday, 30th May, 2017
Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth, thereby turning her to a city without walls all through Operation Run and beyond -Zech. 2:4-5
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, grant supernatural wisdom to everyone on the go for Christ all through Operation Run, thereby leading many to Christ and this church – Pro. 11:30
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every member of this church with the Spirit of Obedience to obey, both to the full and to the end, thereby positioning us for the full delivery of the enthronement testimony of the Operation Run prophetic agenda - Num. 14:24
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, let your reaper-angels continue to bear all our new converts and new members on their wings into this church for all our weekly services all through Operation Run and beyond – Psa. 91:12.

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree null and void every operation of principalities and powers against the continuous growth of this church, thereby invading this church with record-breaking multitudes this coming Sunday– Is 8:9-10

Monday, May 29, 2017


Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the great multitudes You gathered into our Enough is Enough service(s) yesterday, and for visiting every worshipper through the prophetic word – Ps. 118:23
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting us fair weather all through our services yesterday        – Job 37:22
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for firing up the zeal of your house into the heart of every Winner towards to fully deliver our benchmark for Operation Run prophetic agenda– Ps. 69:9
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for supernatural increases that we have experienced since the Wonder Double Prophetic agenda began, evident in the mass salvation of souls and the ingathering of great multitudes into all our services - 1 Cor. 3:6

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for establishing all our new converts of the year by the power of your word, both in the faith and in this church– Jn 6:68

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Intercesory Prayers for Wednesday, 24th May, 2017

Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the release of your angels to the highways and hedges, compelling the influx of multitudes into this church all through Operation Run and beyond- Matt. 13:39
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against all powers of darkness that may want to draw any of our new converts of the year back to the world – Eccl. 3:14
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this church all through Operation Rune Prophetic Agenda – Acts 2:6/41
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil and his cohorts against the full delivery of Operation Run prophetic agenda and let this result in an invasion of unprecedented multitudes in all our services – Job. 22:27

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, gather multitudes into our Midweek service tonight and give every worshipper a life-transforming encounter via your word and the communion table – Num. 11:31

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Intercessory Prayers for Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017

Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of your life-illuminating word that will establish our dominion over the powers of darkness, thereby drafting great multitudes into this church this month and beyond– Jn. 1:1-3/9
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, grant supernatural utterance to every foot soldier on the go for Christ all through Operation Run Prophetic Agenda, leading to massive salvation of souls– 2Thess. 3:1
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, stir up the zeal of every Winner to engage in prayer and soul winning endeavours all through Operation Run, resulting in the supernatural multiplication of this church – Hg. 1:14
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the blood of the everlasting covenant, we decree vengeance upon all the gods of the land resisting the continuous growth of this church, thereby resulting in an invasion of unprecedented multitude all through Operation Run and beyondEx 12:12.

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, by the power of your Spirit, mobilize unprecedented multitudes into this church this coming Sunday, for their salvation and deliverance in fulfillment of Operation Run prophetic agenda – Acts 2:1-4

Monday, May 22, 2017

Intercessory Prayers for Monday, 22nd May, 2017

Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the multitudes You gathered into our Breaking Invisible Barriers service(s) yesterday, and for breaking all invisible barriers in the lives of every worshipper through the prophetic word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit– Ps. 118:23
Intercession 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for hitch-free movement for all worshippers in and out of yesterday’s services– Ps. 105:13-15
Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for destroying all interferences of the devil against the continuous influx of multitudes into this Church since Operation Run began – Mat. 16:18
Intercession 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mighty hand that is behind the continuous growth of this church – Jn 6:44

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for turning all our new converts of the year into instant and active disciples of Christ, thereby bringing many others to Christ – Jn.4:29/39

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Covenant Hour of Prayer 11, 2017 Live STREAM

DAY 2 of MCiD 21 Prayer and Fasting 10, 2017 Live STREAM

2017 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Documented Testimonies(FM)

My Case is Different 2017
JANUARY 9TH - 29TH2017

Week I
Day 1: Monday, January 9th, 2017

  1. 8 Months Severe Excruciating Dorsal Wrist Ganglion Dissolved!
“After the 21-day prayer and fasting for 2015 was declared by my Father, Bishop Oyedepo, he charged us to split the 21 days into three days each. He further reiterated that anything we stood in for within each of the three days of the 21days must be delivered as testimonies and answered prayers. I did not only believe the words of the Prophet but also had a conviction within me that the Dorsal Ganglion in my wrist, which is about 1½ cm radius/height and has been causing me great excruciating pain shame and reproach in the past 8 months, has met its waterloo.
However, before this time, I had scheduled an appointment with my HMO to have the Dorsal Ganglion removed. On getting home that same Sunday, which was the last day of the fast, I began to read the book, Winning Prayer, authored by Bishop Oyedepo. At the end of the second three days, light broke forth! God gave me three scriptural prescriptions which are: Isaiah 53:4-5, 2 Corinthians 4:17 & Colossians 2:14. I engaged fervently with them and while on this, the Spirit of God led me to place my Shiloh mantle on it, to prove that I already received victory over it according to 1 Corinthians 15:57.
Later that afternoon, while preparing for the WSF programme as a Minister, it dawned on me that the swollen part of my wrist which the doctors confirmed to be Dorsal Ganglion had dissolved via the application of God’s Word. I give God all the glory!” ---Gbenga Oke

  1. From Debtor to Landlady!
“I was meant to pay some money to some persons, but the money I was expecting was delayed for two weeks and my creditors were already disturbing me. When the pressure became unbearable, I decided to take the matter to God, in prayers.
While, praying on one of the days, during the 21-Day Prayer and Fasting, I backed up my requests with God’s Word and studied the Bible. Shortly after, I received a text message that a huge sum of money was paid to my account. So, I settled the debt and still had more than enough. Also, God gave me a house in Abuja and I am now a landlady!
Furthermore, my sister in Italy was involved in an accident that knocked her off a cliff into a valley. God spared my sister, no broken bone, no scratch, no internal bleeding; but the other person in the car died instantly and has been buried. I thank God, because He did not allow us to mourn. Praise the Lord!” ---Beatrice Umeseri

Day 2: Tuesday, January 10th, 2017
  1. Multiple Blessings via 21-Day Prayer & Fasting!
“Fifteen years ago, I was a member of the Living Faith Church, when it was still at Raji Oba, Lagos. When the Church relocated to Ota, Ogun State, I stopped attending because of the distance to Ajah where I live.
Thereafter, I experienced several challenges and all efforts to solve them proved abortive. First, I paid for six plots of land in Ajah, but was denied access. Each time I challenged the sellers over the land, I was always frustrated.  
I also had a tenant who was a member of an occult group and was very problematic. When I told him that I wanted him to leave the apartment, he boldly insisted that I could not evict him.
In addition, someone built his house with my heap of sand without permission. When I asked him to pay, he ignored me. In frustration, I attended one of the evening services held during the 21-day prayer and fasting of 2016 when a friend invited me. He encouraged me to seek God’s face concerning my issues, and I did.
Miraculously, God answered my prayers that same week. My six plots of land were released to me through the intervention of the National Human Rights Commission. The occult tenant decided to leave the apartment, and the person who took my heap of sand issued a cheque for it. I give all the glory to the God of this Commission!”---Abiola Shobowale

  1. Financial Visitation via Prayer and Fasting!
“When the prayer and fasting of 2013 began, the Bishop said we should list all that we wanted God to do for us. So, I waited on the Holy Spirit to tell me the things to write. To the glory of God, two of the things are testimonies today.
These were my prayer requests: God, I want a new thing in my life and family. Second: Father, give my family unstoppable and undeniable blessings this year in Jesus name.
However, throughout 2013, we battled with my father’s health challenge to no avail. So, in 2014, I believed God for financial empowerment to settle that.
At the beginning of that year, someone came from the States to purchase land in order to build an estate. However, the land he purchased earlier for the project was not sufficient; so, he needed more. One of my father’s lands in the Eastern part of Nigeria was close to the property acquired. So, he indicated interest.
Thereafter, he sent a message to us in Lagos. That was how God miraculously visited us financially. I give God all the glory for this year’s 21-day prayer and fasting!”
---Edixon Kenneth Ugochukwu

Day 3: Wednesday, January 11th, 2017
  1. Family Deliverance via 21-day Prayer and Fasting!
“My life has been full of struggles and difficulties because a man swore that no one would raise his head in the family. My sister died of a strange disease and within two weeks, her twin children also died. Four months later, my senior brother’s wife died, because the wicked man in the family requested her friendship and she refused. Before then, whenever she was pregnant, it always ended in miscarriage. Thhappened three consecutive times, before she passed on. By divine direction, I decided to travel to my hometown. There, my uncle’s wife told me that the same wicked man said no man in my family will surpass him, even in his poverty, including me. I have done all I could to rise, but all effort proved abortive. But thank God for the last 21-day prayer and fasting where the Bishop instructed that we should observe our prayers day and night.
In obedience, every midnight, I and my wife would cry to God with all our hearts, using the Word of God.
On the third day of the prayer and fasting, after the Bishop led us in prayer, he declared that we would hear news. On getting home that night, my phone rang and I was told that the tormentor that sat on everyone’s destiny had died. I return the glory to God!” ---Philips O. Chukwu Supernatural Supply!
“Before the 21-day prayer and fasting began, I tried to execute a computer based project; but due to the magnitude of it, sourcing for funds to launch it had been difficult. So, I trusted God for divine provision.
When the 21-day prayer and fasting began, I decided to be in Canaanland for the first
three days to be focused and partake of what God wanted to do in my life. Then, from the first day, God began to speak to me from His Word.
During one of the services, the Bishop said, ‘In the first three days, there shall be a resurrection encounter!’
When I got home, I switched on my phone and received a text message from my sister abroad. She sent some dollars to my account, through money gram, to be used for my project.
In addition, I thank God for adding another year to my life. I give God all the glory and praise!” ---David Austine Igole

  1. HIV Positive Turned Negative!
“Sometimes ago, I tested positive for HIV. I almost accepted the fact that there was nothing I could do, but during the period of 21days prayer and fasting, I was moved to go for another test expecting God to make the difference.
To the glory of God, my shame was turned to glory as the result came out HIV negative. Our God is a great God; God marked the end of shame and reproach in my life. I return all the glory to Him!” Chibuike C.  

Day 4: Thursday, January 12th, 2017
  1. Business Breakthrough via 21-Day Prayer & Fasting!
“When the year 2015 closed, I was expectant of the declaration of this year’s fasting and prayer. However, the declaration of this year took a different dimension as it was emphasized that if we plugged in from then, our four quarterly quantum leaps are not negotiable. Also, Pastor David Oyedepo (Jnr.) opened our eyes of understanding when he said, ‘In this 21-day fast, we can have seven encounters of three days spread.’
From Monday, January 11, 2016, I prayed for Church growth agenda and nothing else. I declared that we shall see 400% increase, our outreach materials shall have 50% returns and God will grant church leadership the wisdom to handle the logistics. I prayed with all my heart and with the consciousness of Matthew 6:33. However, four other companies and I have an advertisement platform application with the Lagos State Government worth N8.6m. This is not even part of our 2016 expected income. However, God worked ahead of me.
On the third day of the fast, I received a text that approval had been given to my company out of the four applications received. Also, a client is already waiting to go on board. This is my 3rd-Day encounter and clearly my first leap as declared by my father, Dr. David Oyedepo. Now, the next three days, I will be praying for new converts. To God be all the glory!” ---Yomi, O.

  1. God of Vengeance at Work for Me!
“Before now, I was always pursued by masquerades in my dreams. This experience began 5 years ago, but became frequent in November 2011. The persons behind the masquerades, as revealed to me in December 2011, were my uncle, my stepmother and my stepsister.
I took advantage of that 21-day prayer and fasting to report them to the God of Vengeance.
On Monday, January 16, I received a phone call from my dad that my uncle was dead. He died suddenly in the morning. As if that was not enough, as I continued in my cry for total vengeance, my elder sister called me yesterday and told me that my stepmother fell seriously sick and was rushed to the hospital on Monday, January  23, and that my attention was needed at home. From the day my uncle died, I started receiving phone calls from people that had abandoned me in the past, inquiring of my wellbeing. Glory be to the God of Vengeance!” ---Moses Simeon (Kwali, Nigeria).

Day 5: Friday, January 13th, 2017

Day 8: Monday, January 16th, 2017

  1. Divine Promotion via Kingdom-Focused Prayers!
“After my encounter at Shiloh 2015, I heard Bishop Oyedepo emphasize the power of a Kingdom-driven life in the making of any great destiny. So, I decided to throw my whole being in the pursuit of Kingdom interest in 2016.
During the Sunday Service preceding the 2016, 21-day Prayer and Fasting season, the Bishop instructed that we package ourselves for undeniable encounters during the programme. When I got home that day, I sat down with God, my encounter note from Shiloh 2015 and my Bible as part of my packaging to maximize the prayer and fasting season. This resulted in a 12-point prophetic statement why I must change levels in 2016 from Shiloh 2015 catch-up moments. I also generated seven Kingdom-centred prayer requests which included praying for the outburst of our WSF attendance where I serve as a minister. Then I knew my time has finally come for a change of level.
Equipped with these discoveries, I asked for a two-day break from work to be part of the 21 days of prayer and fasting kick-off. I invested the first two days in praying for replication of my WSF center. Then, I resumed to my office on the third day (13th January, 2016) to meet a letter waiting on my desk with my name on it.
On opening it, lo and behold, it was a letter of promotion which has added almost N200, 000 to my basic salary without calling anyone. I give all the glory to the God of Quantum leaps for confirming the words of His servant over my life so fast!” ---Macluke Nnabuihe

  1. God Changed My Job and Supernaturally Increased My Salary!
“Before Shiloh 2013, I asked God, ‘The Winners’ Family is going to have a name but what would my individual name be?’ He told me that 2014 shall be a year of ‘open doors’.
In January 2014, I decided to maximize the 21-Day Prayer and Fasting. I divided my 21 days into three seven-days. Each of the sets of seven-days had a name. The first seven-days, was ‘mercy’. During that period, I prayed for mercy concerning everything that pertains to my life. The second, I called ‘grace’, where I asked God to ‘engrace’ my life. The third was ‘favour’. Meanwhile, in my former place of work, I was nothing to write home about.
However, on February 5, 2014, God changed my job and doubled my salary. Later that year, God moved me to a third job, where I earn four times of what I was given in my first place of work. I give God all the glory!” ---Kingsley Chukwukeri

Day 9: Tuesday, January 17th, 2017
  1. 5-year Property Stagnation Terminated by Prayer and Fasting!
“We made up our minds that we were going to receive our minimum 4 quantum leaps as prophesied by the Bishop during the 21 days.
On January 11, 2016 after the one hour midnight prayers commanded by the Bishop, we woke up at 4am to pray until it was time for the Covenant Hour of Prayer. We returned home afterwards as we had decided we were not going to our businesses for the first 3 days of the 21 days to keep our focus as well as observe all the prayer watches.
As we began to pray during the 9am watch, my phone began to ring incessantly but I ignored it. However, as we were rounding off our one hour prayer for that watch, we heard people banging on our gate. We had a property we built about 5 years ago that we were unable to let or sell prior to that time.
However, while we were preparing for the Prayer and Fasting programme, the Lord gave us a word from Proverbs 23:18 and we held on to it. Also, on Sunday, during the 5th Service, the Bishop told us that as we embarked on the 21- day prayer and fasting, every perpetual hill and everlasting mountain would crumble and we held on to it.
Miraculously, by 10am on the first day of the fast, there were three different prospective groups of people with cash in their hands for this same apartment that was in the market for almost 5 years!
While the negotiations were on, we went for the evening service and as Pastor David Oyedepo (Junior) was about to bring the service to a close, he said, ‘On this first day of the fast, every blessing meant for you shall be delivered.’ We caught it! The transaction was eventually concluded at about 10pm that same Monday night to the glory of God. We return all the glory to God for His faithfulness and for upholding the word of His Prophet!” Patricia D.
  1. Speedy Fulfilment of Desire via 21-Day Prayer and Fasting!
“I work in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates. Earlier this year, l desired to become an employer of labour and when the Bishop announced our yearly Prayer and Fasting programme, I realised that it's my turn to press harder and receive all my expectations. The Bishop emphasised the need to divide the 21 days into 7 segments of 3days each and I keyed in despite my tight schedule at work. I prayed rigorously, yesterday, after the daily hour of prayer which I connected with live through my small phone. Behold, by 13.45hrs I received an alert of 7 million naira grant through my company; which I did not merit as I have not served the company even up to six months. Now I can become an employer of labour in Nigeria. Of a truth, God is still in the business of answering prayers and have done it for me practically and physically without stress. May His Mighty name be highly exalted in the name of Jesus!” Michael Bassey

Day 10: Wednesday, January 18th, 2017
  1. Career Breakthrough via 21-Day Prayer & Fasting!
“I joined this Church in 2010 but I was casual about the yearly 21-day prayer and fasting programme until January 2015.
In September 2014, I voluntarily resigned my appointment as a Manager in a multinational organisation. However, the two organisations that promised to engage me delayed in their employment process. I was devastated because I had paid over half a million naira to my former employer because of my short notice.
During the 21-day Prayer and fasting in 2015, I got the book, Winning Prayer, which I read and digested. I engaged in prayers for empowerment, Hosanna Praise and the 2015 prophetic declaration every night of the fast.
On day 17 of the fast, I got a call from an HR company asking if I was interested in working for a multinational company. I attended the interview on day 18 of the fast, and got an offer letter for a Managerial role on day 19. The remuneration was indeed a change of level for me as the salary was almost twice my previous job.  I also got a car and driver as part of the job offer.
However, two days later, I received a call from someone overseas asking if I am interested in joining a multibillion dollar company. I told him that I had just resumed work; but, I was sent an offer letter to resume work in April 2015 with an eight digit salary, among other benefits. I was sent overseas for training twice within five months.
Finally, in September 2015, while I was overseas, I received an email from another company offering me a Country Manager role, to resume in 2016. That same month, God helped me to set up a partnership construction business and we got our first contract of 21 million same month. To God be all the glory!” ---Adeniyi, O.

  1. Vengeance upon Our Enemy!
“There was a step mother in my husband’s family, who was a witch and she had vowed that no member of my family would prosper or amount to anything. She had bewitched many persons to live frustrated lives, including us.
But when I joined this Commission, I got the understanding that I have power over witchcraft.
During that 21-day prayer and fasting, that woman was one of my prayer points. I told God to strike her to death and God did just that. The woman attended the funeral of one of her relatives, but on her return, she came down with a fever; but when she went to the hospital, there was no trace of malaria found. A few minutes after the test, she died at the hospital. ---Sister Judith

Day 11: Thursday, January 19th, 2017
  1. Business Stagnation Destroyed via 21-day Prayer and Fasting!
“I joined this Church in September 2014; though born again, but defeated. However, I came to Shiloh 2014 with my mother who was already a Winner, persuaded that Bishop Oyedepo is my God ordained Prophet. I came harassed and threatened with business stagnation and an eviction notice from my landlord. When the 2015, 21-day Prayer and Fasting programme was about to  commence, God told me that if I did what others were not doing, I would have what others could not have. Therefore, I decided to go on dry fast throughout the 21 days. Before then, I could hardly fast for a day; but God engraced me. After the fasting, God restored my spiritual dignity, I was empowered and revival fire broke out in my home. My wife and I with our two children began to go out for evangelism and we had such inexplicable peace and joy even in the midst of our storms. Our faith in God's unlimited capacity to do the unimaginable was triggered and my financial dignity was fully restored. We paid up our owed rental fees and God relocated us from living in an old bungalow to a brand-new duplex more than 10 times better than our previous place. God is good! I am honoured and humbled to be one of the sons of the prophet. I give all the praises back to God!”  Olawale Ashiru Miracle Accommodation via 21-day Prayer and Fasting!
“I have been praying for accommodation since 2015. I believed that latest by the end of January 2016, I would move to my own house. Lo and behold, on the first day of 2016, 21 Days Prayer and Fasting season, God visited me with my first quantum leap by providing more than the money for the accommodation. I strongly believe this is only the beginning of my miracles. I give all the glory to the God of Winners!”  Tayo N.

  1. Supernatural Interventions via Shiloh Sacrifice, Prayer and Fasting!
“I joined the Living Faith Church in December 2011. During Shiloh 2011, I gave almost all I had as sacrifice. Also, during the January 21-day Prayer and Fasting season, I asked God specifically for a car to resume school with and He gave that to me after the programme.  Since then, God has blessed me in various ways; one of them is a piece of land on which I am building right now and will be completed before the second quarter of 2015 by Gods grace. That will make me the only landlord in my entire family linage.
I equally thank God for closing a police case that affected my younger brother in Europe. He was released after the first three days of Prayer and Fasting in 2016. His only friend that was arrested has been released and he is free from every accusation. Finally, the Bishop asked us to pray for and in my dreams I saw myself praying and laying hands on a dying person who came back to life immediately. I give God all the praise and glory!” Aghemen Martins (Europe)

Day 12: Friday, January 20th, 2017

Day 15: Monday, January 23rd, 2017
  1. My Case is Different!
“After Shiloh 2016, on December 20th I left Dallas for New York.  I arrived at J.F. Kennedy's international airport safely, but my luggage did not arrive. I went to the airline desk to register my complaint. I arrived at Grand Central, to purchase my ticket for Milford, Connecticut where I intended to celebrate Christmas with my aunt. I leaned at the counter to purchase my ticket and. On December 22, 2016, I saw Papa and Mama in my dream praying. Then Papa sat on the chair and told me, ‘Pray, pray, pray because all things are possible with prayer.’ Lo and behold, on December 26, I saw a message on my Face book account from a female freelancer in New York who found my handbag with all contents intact and used the name on my passport to search for me. The following day my aunt and I traveled to New York to collect the handbag. Also, the airline retrieved my luggage and delivered it to me. Indeed God has confirmed the prophetic declaration for the year 2017, My Case Is Different in my life. I give Him all the glory!” Nancy Abucha

  1. God Is Too Faithful To Fail!
“During Shiloh 2015, I asked God for a child. When the Bishop spoke about seeking first the Kingdom of God, I knew my breakthrough was tied to this mystery.
I engaged in Kingdom prayers day and night. During of the Covenant Hour of Prayer services in March 2016, Papa said that God is not a liar, if He says He will come with my reward, then I should expect it. I prayed and asked God to confirm His word. Two weeks later, I discovered that I was pregnant. His hand was upon me throughout the pregnancy and I was delivered of a baby girl a week after Shiloh 2016. God is too faithful to fail and I give Him all the glory!”  Modupe I.

Day 16: Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
  1. ‘SS’ Turned ‘AA!
“My genotype has never been an issue until when marriage was in view.  It became a burden in my heart.
During the 21-day prayer and fasting, I keyed into everything the Bishop said. On the 4th day, the Bishop declared that, ‘SS’ was turning to ‘AA’. I keyed into it.
When I got home that day, I prayed then brought out my expectation card and ticked the prayer point as answered.  
After the last Breakthrough service, I had a conviction in my heart to check my genotype. I stopped at a laboratory for the test and when the result came out, God had changed my story. I am now ‘AA’! Praise the Lord!”---Gift, A.

  1. Miracle Job & Increment in Salary!
“In October 2011, I had to resign from my place of work to put to bed because company policy prohibits maternity leave.
Six months after delivery, I reapplied but was told my services were no longer required. As a result, for a year and two months, I had no job. When the 21-day prayer and fasting was declared, I determined to experience a change of story. I wrote my expectations and keyed into every blessing attached to the exercise.
At the last breakthrough night, I received a text message from a recruiting firm inviting me for an interview at an Oil and Gas company. Though, I couldn’t remember applying for any, I built my faith for success in the interview. Also, in the book, ‘Winning Invisible Battles,’ the Bishop said, ‘We can engage our angels to go ahead of us.’ So, I did same and went for the interview.
Few days after, I received another text from the agency that I have been shortlisted to meet with the Managing Director of the company. I started praising God, because I knew it was settled.  
When I met the MD, I discovered that there was another candidate more qualified than I. However, God favoured me and I was preferred by the MD. I was asked to resume a few days after.
Also, God increased my husband’s salary.  We are indeed flying on the platform of Double Portion!”--- Mrs. Ibiyemi, A.

Day 17: Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
  1. Stagnation Destroyed!
“In 2012, many things went wrong in my life and it was from one challenge to another. At the same time, my spiritual life was at zero level. Thereafter, I decided to wake up because my stay in the UK was threatened because my academic performance was not very good. For two years, I performed well in tests, essays and practical work but when it came to exams, the released result would be so dismal that one wouldn’t believe it was mine. However, in my final year, in 2015, I decided I would not graduate with a useless result.
Before Shiloh 2016, God really showed his grace and mercy towards me and my family. My mum got promoted, my health and finances got better and during Shiloh, a report that was essential to my application was completed in less than two months. On December 29, 2016, I received a message that the court has recognised my citizenship and my passport would be ready by January 2017. I was also admitted for a full scholarship course at the university to commence in March 2017. I thank God for a fresh start in life. To Him be all the glory!” Gold

  1. 20-Year Bedwetting Terminated Via 21-Day Prayer & Fasting!
“I had been bedwetting for 20 years. I keyed into a testimony shared last year by a lady who used to bedwet and at the age of 20, God delivered her.
During the 21-day prayer and fasting, I believed God for a change of story. As I partook of the Communion, I told God to heal me. I keyed into two scriptures: Isaiah 53:5 and Psalm 126:1.
I thank God for turning again my captivity, whereof I am glad. Today, I can sleep at any time I want, eat at any time and wake up hale and hearty! Praise the Lord!”
--- Oluwatoyin, O.

Day 18: Thursday, January 26th, 2017
  1. Spirit Wife Ordeal Defeated and Conquered By a Vow!
“For over 10 years, I was molested and defiled by a spirit wife. I did everything I could but the ordeal persisted. One afternoon, during break, in 2012, I was taking a nap on my seat in the office. I woke up to find my trousers wet and I went home in shame and with annoyance. During Shiloh 2016, after the last Encounter Night Service, I slept and before I woke up, I was wet. As a result of this ordeal, I had an extra year in school, my NYSC was delayed and my businesses were stagnated. Furthermore, I almost got married in 2016, but the spirit wife affliction aborted it. On the other hand, I engaged in sexual immorality and had wet dreams every month.
My main prayer request during Shiloh 2016 was that God should put an end to this ordeal in my life. I also wrote that when God puts a final stop to the affliction, He should grant me double restoration for every single thing it had stolen from me. After Shiloh 2016, I found myself in the same predicament. Then, the Holy Spirit said I should make a vow which I did by putting it down in writing and I signed it.
Afterwards, I took a shot of the Anointing Oil and sprinkled the Blood on my body. Immediately, I felt something left me. I knew it was over!  Since then, no more urge to fornicate, no more wet dreams and I have been sleeping like a baby. I am free forever. I give God all the glory!” Abiakam P.I.

  1. Deliverance and Breakthrough via Kingdom Stewardship!
“During Operation Bring Many season, I engaged in corporate and personal outreaches, prayed Kingdom advancement prayers and advertised Jesus vigorously. Meanwhile, I had a fever which usually came with constipation. Thereafter, in September, I discovered a growth in my right breast but kept it to myself. I soaked myself in the Word and continued in my stewardship joyfully and heartily. I anointed the breast and put mantle under it day and night. I kept reminding God of His Word in Exodus 23:25-26 and that the Ark of God in the house of Obededom brought blessings not affliction. Therefore, His Ark in our house will do the same for us. Thirdly, we gave to the needy and served Him with our car. On Thursday morning, I felt a labour-like pain in my stomach; got up, went to the toilet and my whole system was cleansed. Lastly, on the second day of the Week of Spiritual Emphasis in November, 2016, my Pastor declared that the growth in someone’s body had disappeared and I knew it was for me. I checked when I got home but the growth was no longer there. I give glory to the God of Wonder-Double for His mighty visitation!”Florence Okwara
Jesus is Lord!